Top Ten High Fiber Foods of the Week
November 21, 2005

High Fiber Health

Here are our Top 10 High Fiber Foods to get you going down the path to Fiberland. Don't forget to drink the water!

1. Spinach - Popeye was wise as he was strong. Eating 1/2 cup boiled assured him 2 grams of fiber.

2. Sweet Potato - A dab of butter and a sprinkle of nutmeg on 1 small, baked will gain you 3.4 grams fiber.

3. Pumpkin Seeds - Recycle your Halloween pumpkin by getting 3.9 grams of fiber in just 1 Oz., hulled seeds.

4. Orange- 1 Medium sweet,juicy and easy snack yields 3.1 grams.

5. Raisins - 1/2 cup of these tiny treats provide a not so tiny 3.9 grams of fiber.

6. Artichoke Hearts- Eat your heart out. 1/2 cup of these delicacies when boiled tops out at 4.4 grams.

7. Refried Beans - Hold your tamales! 1/2 cup of these transformed pinto beans serves up 6.7 grams of your daily quota.

8. 100% Bran- 1/2 cup of this oh so easy breakfast starts your day with 8.4 grams. Egg Mcmuffin. You are joking, right?

9. Pine Nuts - No need to pine for fiber. 1 oz. of these dried nuts are equal to 4.1 grams.

10. Corn on the cob - Lend me your ear. 1 small, roasted ear tempts 2 crunchy grams of fiber.

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